Today, we had a great activity to experience fruits and veggies with our five senses🤌👀👃👂👅 (touch, see, smell, hear, and taste).
Since "touching" is an essential sense for the kids to explore the world in their early years, we started by touching some leafy vegetables, some hard carrots, and the grainy cucumbers.
This carrot is cold!
Next, the kids wanted to "see" how the carrots are peeled and the cucumbers are cut.
The cucumber is green from the inside!!
Now, it's time to make our juice!!
The kids were excited to see the Orange juicer. Let's put the oranges in the juicer and press the button. 🍊🍊
The kids were surprised to "hear" the sound of the machine squeezing the oranges into juice. See, the real oranges turned into juice, wow!
Now, it's time for kids to try to make juice, but this time, let's squeez the veggies.
The juice is coming out green! wonderful.
We can't wait to "taste" the orange juice🥤. Yummy!!
See you next week...