Great Monday, everyone! ✨
We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a great month ahead! 🗓️✨
This month kids will be reviewing their lessons for the whole school year. 🔠🖍️📚
Today, we focused on the alphabet.
There were two games that kids did today.
First is the "Find the Letter" game, and second is the "Alphabet Racing" game.
For the "Find the Letter" game👀, we randomly stick letters on the wall for the kids to find after showing them the specific alphabet we want them to find.
For the "Alphabet Racing" game🏁, we've prepared two black cloths for the kids to use.
We stick various alphabets, and we ask them to get it. The first who can reach the endpoint and get the correct alphabet wins. 🏆🥇
That's it for today. Thank you very much! See you again next time! 👋